ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

73 Technical excellence is a long-term focus area for underwriting due to the nature of our business. Climate is a rapidly evolving risk, and the impact of climate change has been felt worldwide through extreme events. The highest global temperatures were recorded this year, and floods and fires impacted Asia, Europe, and Africa. This calls for an extensive overhaul of our underwriting technical capabilities and the redefinition of what sustainable underwriting looks like in the face of the climate change onslaught. COHERENT, TETHERED, AND INVIGORATED TEAMS FUTURE FIT UNDERWRITING INTERNAL FOCUS AREAS In order to build on the progress that we have made with the underwriting and actuarial teams, we will invest further in creating an employee environment that is conducive to both peak individual and collective performance. We will do this by embracing the best of hybrid work practices, face-to-face interactions, and additional workplace practices to ensure that we can retain and develop talent in critical areas and in line with our business needs. An individualised approach to training underwriting, actuarial and analytical talent is also a key part of my objectives. Investment in data, analytics, and relevant technology is vital to enabling the company to have a solid foundation for growth. This is over and above the human capital that is required to enable this transition. I cannot overemphasise the growing need for competent human resources even as conventional wisdom trumpets the cause for artificial intelligence (AI). Our business relies heavily on human-to-human interaction, which will be made easier by the adoption of AI as an addition to and not as a substitute for our human teams. As we celebrate 10 years, we reflect on our successes and challenges. But the next decade will not get easier as expectations rise. In 2024, I am looking forward to achieving more automation, onboarding talented people, and providing a structure for the team’s professional expansion and a bedrock for the company’s growth. MALVERN CHIRUME Chief Underwriting Officer TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE CH I EF UNDERWR I T I NG OFF I CER ’ S REPORT