ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

71 OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH UNHCR IS SET TO MASSIVELY AMPLIFY ARC’S REACH AND HUMAN IMPACT PARAMETRIC INSURANCE IS A CRUCIAL MECHANISM FOR AFRICA AND DEVELOPING REGIONS. that hinged on demonstrating dynamic growth beyond a stagnant status quo, validating our emerging status as an industry leader. Our top ESG rating continues, making us an attractive partner for sustainability-focused clients who are aligned with our mission. Among our most pivotal milestones was our introduction of innovative anticipatory insurance solutions in Malawi and Zambia, marking a significant diversification of products that proactively meet evolving client needs. The multi-year effort included immense preparation through on-the-ground research, close collaboration with local partners, and advanced predictive risk modelling tailored to each country’s unique climate vulnerabilities and economic landscape. We consider the successful onboarding of Mozambique this past year for our risk pool a tremendous achievement, spotlighting our perseverance and the expanding influence of our initiatives across Africa. Our newly announced partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is set to massively amplify ARC’s reach and human impact on displaced populations. We will collaborate closely with UNHCR over the coming year to refine and launch customised climate risk solutions providing essential financial services to refugees and vulnerable groups affected by conflict, persecution, and climate change. This joint initiative to serve the underserved represents an opportunity to set new standards in insurance innovation while upholding our mission to empower and protect those displaced from their homes and livelihoods. Focus areas for 2024 Looking ahead to 2024, our focus remains on leveraging our successes and addressing areas for improvement to drive continued growth and impact. To achieve this sustainably, we will balance risk and opportunity by concentrating on core market and internal priorities detailed on the next page. CH I EF UNDERWR I T I NG OFF I CER ’ S REPORT