ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

68 In closing, Dr Janneh summarised ARC Ltd.’s achievements, which had been showcased through the payout experiences – the positive economic and human impact, the rebuilding of major infrastructure and recovery support. He reiterated the importance of expanding the company’s reach, with ARC Ltd. intending to increase engagement with government officials responsible for organising and implementing disaster relief programmes. Dr Janneh thanked the Togo Government for its hospitality and ARC Ltd.’s donors and partners for their invaluable support. With the cost of premiums prohibitive for some countries, the donors and partners have empowered 14 countries to take out climate risk insurance policies. Dr Janneh asked member states to take advantage of this support. Finally, ARC Ltd. committed itself to the continued development of new products to service individual countries’ needs and to enhance existing products through continuous development and collaboration with skilled research teams. The success of this retreat can be attributed to the valuable contribution of our donors and partners, our member states’ willingness to share, support and learn from one another, and our collective commitment to safeguarding African citizens from natural disasters. The retreat reinforced the unshakeable foundation of our work and set the tone for our future collective endeavours. We look forward to building on this momentum and achieving even greater success in the years to come. FAC I L I TAT I NG D I ALOGUE BETWEEN OUR MEMBERS AND PARTNERS