ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

67 FACILITATING DIALOGUE BETWEEN OUR MEMBERS AND PARTNERS This was also our largest retreat to date. Representatives from member states and donor and technical partners gathered to reconnect and reflect on achievements, share their experiences, and to forge strategic plans with us to maximise the benefits of our programme. The dynamic agenda included various topics pertaining to product and service experiences, the funding and insurance landscape, and growth opportunities. The retreat, under the theme “Co-creating Solutions”, highlighted the inclusive and expanding nature of our work. Board Chairman Dr Abdoulie Janneh, in his opening remarks, encapsulated the collaborative spirit of the retreat and underlined ARC Ltd.’s mission of protecting African lives and economies from climate change-related disasters by providing accessible, affordable, and diversified solutions. He emphasised that ARC Ltd. wished to see all African Union countries come on board to extend coverage and protection of the most vulnerable across the continent. The director of the Togo Cabinet for the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Akou Mawussé Afidenyigba, welcomed the delegates, and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to and support for the ARC programme. The country had recently received its first much-needed payout following a drought claim. Day One showcased the ARC Ltd. proof of concept with impact stories of our disaster risk solutions. Countries like The Gambia (1st payout), Malawi (2nd payout) and Madagascar (4th payout), shared their positive payout experiences for floodanddrought claims. These testimonies highlighted the critical role of ARC Ltd. in enabling the rapid release of funds to assist affected communities. Day Two of the retreat spotlighted member presentations, with new members like Somalia sharing its Replica experience for drought and Comoros sharing its tropical ARC Ltd. hosted its third annual Members and Partners Retreat from 3 July to 5 July in Lomé, Togo, and set a new benchmark for collaboration. cyclone experience. Former members who rejoined the pool in 2023, namely Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal, also weighed in. Innovative products tailored to meet individual country’s needs were highlighted, such as the Outbreak and Epidemics product we launched in Senegal. Chad also gave feedback on its product experience for drought and rangeland. ARC Ltd.’s adaptability and responsiveness to member countries’ diverse challenges differentiate the company from other parametric insurers. With transparency and openness essential to the success of our retreat, countries were encouraged to weigh in on premium support, the payment process and any challenges. Côte d’Ivoire explained the crucial role ARC partners and donors play in helping countries meet their premium payment timelines. At the same time, Burkina Faso showcased its policy implementation, community sensitisation drives, and how the government manages its specific challenges. ARC Ltd. partners – Germany’s KfW Development Bank, the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office, and the African Development Bank – discussed the funding landscape and outlook. They also reaffirmed their commitment to collaboration and continued premium pledges and technical support to advance disaster risk management solutions across Africa. Humanitarian partners the World Food Programme and Start Network offered feedback on the Replica programme and its growth opportunities. The final day of the retreat featured partner presentations on the insurance landscape from Gallagher Re. and feedback about the experiences between member states and executives from the West African Development Bank (BOAD). FAC I L I TAT I NG D I ALOGUE BETWEEN OUR MEMBERS AND PARTNERS