ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

66 Looking ahead In 2014, when ARC Ltd. was launched, there were four countries in the risk pool; this year, there are 17, and we have 39 member states. But our goals have become even bigger. We want to cover 700 million people in all the 55 African Union countries. Internally, we are improving our automation and integrating our systems to deliver more efficiently. We will continue to focus on our unique selling point – helping countries respond to climate disasters better and earlier rather than later – and this requires continually pushing the entire project cycle to ensure faster payouts while ensuring we are doing things right at every stage. Looking ahead, we want to think differently, be bolder about how we serve our member states, produce better products and solutions, and create more flexibility in our work. We have proved that we are not only the go-to service provider for disaster risk management but also a trusted partner that co-creates solutions with our member states. This is what differentiates us from other insurance specialists. But as our business grows, we are reminded that growth is temporary – a company has to remain competitive. We also compete against ourselves to ensure we give our best to our member states. And that, for me, is what 2024 will be about. ANGE CHITATE Chief Operating Officer, ARC Ltd. 14 COUNTRIES IN THE RISK POOL HELPING COUNTRIES RESPOND TO CLIMATE DISASTERS BETTER AND EARLIER 39 MEMBER STATES CH I EF OPERAT I NG OFF I CER ’ S REPORT