ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

61 NIGER $4.6 MILLION | DROUGHT Niger’s 2022/23 agricultural season was marked by prolonged dry spells in the regions of Dosso, Maradi, Tahoua, Tillaberi and Zinder. Approximately 7 million people in these regions were affected. The country received $4.6 million, its third and highest payout since it started participating in the risk pool in 2014. The payout was used to implement cash transfers to 13 990 households, which received around $82.50 every month for four months. THE GAMBIA $187 641 | DROUGHT The Gambia was among the worst impacted by the drought in West Africa and its 2022/23 agricultural season resulted in a late planting in the districts of Badibou, Jarra West, Kiang North Bank West, and Upper River North, resulting in severe food security that affected 153 902 people. A payout of $187 641 was triggered and the government opted for cash transfers to struggling households, executed through the National Disaster Authority (NDMA) and the WFP. SOMALIA $3.38 million | DROUGHT By 2023, Somalia had experienced its fifth consecutive failed rainfall season, leaving 8.3 million people facing acute food security and 1.6 million displaced by March. The country received a payout of $3.38 million, and funds were channelled to its Replica partner, Start Network, to address the humanitarian crisis. TOGO $2.5 million | DROUGHT Togo’s 2022/23 agricultural season was marked by areas of drought in the north during the sowing and planting window. The rain breaks that lasted longer than 10 days caused the season to fail and 689 267 people were affected in the prefectures of Savannes, Kara, and Central. Togo was paid out $2.5 million, and the government implemented a mobile money cash transfer response in which 9 920 households received $71.4 every month for three months. We continue to advocate for greater uptake of disaster risk insurance and remain fully committed to helping vulnerable communities withstand climate risks. We intend making an even greater impact in 2024 through additional strategic partnerships and product diversification. PAYOUTS I MPACT