ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

60 HIGHLIGHTS: PAYOUTS IMPACT 2023was devasting for Africa due to extremeweather eventsmaking our work on the continent increasingly critical while the impact of our payouts this year is clear. We paid out a total of $18.4 million for Pool 9, while claims incurred for Pool 10A amounted to $7.1 million, enabling food aid and supporting recovery efforts in our member states. The 2023 payouts went to: MADAGASCAR $301K | TROPICAL CYCLONE $797 049 | DROUGHT Madagascar and its Replica partner, the World Food Programme (WFP), received an insurance payout of $301K to help the country recover and rebuild after it was battered by Tropical Cyclone Freddy. Madagascar also struggled with drought this year, following the lowest rainfall in 40 years. The country received a payout of $797 049, with which it was able to address the most urgent needs, such as food distribution, rehabilitation of water points and the distribution of seeds and fertilisers. BURKINA FASO $7.2 million | DROUGHT The WFP received $7.2 million for Burkina Faso following the drought that impacted the 2022 agricultural season in West Africa. This resulted in affected communities receiving cash transfers from March to May 2023. PAYOUTS I MPACT