ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

54 NON-SOVEREIGN BUSINESS: CÔTE D’IVOIRE ARC Ltd.’s successful Côte d’Ivoire pilot leads to WFP’s involvement Côte d'Ivoire is the third-largest rice-producing country in West Africa and as such, the sector contributes substantially to the country's economy, job creation, and food security. The crop is also a staple for its populationwith an estimated 70kg consumed per capita per annum. Production has been increasing in recent years, with the government supporting growth through various policies. However, the sector continues to face challenges due to climate-change-induced drought and floods, limited access to credit, and inadequate infrastructure. In 2022, ARC Ltd., the United Nations Development Programme Côte d’Ivoire (UNDP), and the Côte d'Ivoire Environment and Sustainable Development Ministry (MINEDD) launched a pilot project for the sector, aligned to the country’s climate change adaptation plan, and in partnership with stakeholders from the local agricultural value chain, insurance, and various technical industries. The objectives were to protect producers' income and establish a robust operational framework that could be replicated across other agricultural value chains. 50 000 AMBITION 2024: COVER RICE AND COCOA PRODUCERS NON - SOVERE I GN BUS I NESS – CÔTE D ’ I VO I RE