ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

47 PARTNERSH I PS End-of-season reports will be issued for all countries andpost-disastermonitoringconducted to ensure that the payouts that governments and Replica partners receive are utilised in accordance with the pre-agreed final implementation plans. These plans form part of the contingency planning process. “The use of parametric tools with publicly announced risk indicators and comprehensive contingency planning, together with post-disaster monitoring, sets a precedent across the continent for transparent disaster risk governance,” Chitate states. Diversification and training The evolving climate-change landscape requires diversification to ensure the sustainability of the project. To this end, we are expanding our portfolio to cover more countries, hazards, and beneficiaries. We are also dedicated to including demand-driven micro and meso-insurance products. To facilitate greater participation in the risk pools, ARC Ltd., in collaboration with ARC Agency, will work to align select countries’ technical, governance, and policy capabilities with the risk pool requirements. This will be achieved through hosting risk-transfer workshops and training local experts. The United States is a leading food-aid donor to Africa, and with this partnership, it has reinforced its dedication to disaster risk financing and locally driven climate risk solutions. For ARC Ltd., this project aligns with our mission to safeguard more countries and people and establish effective climate-response systems across Africa. Our ambitious goal of protecting the lives and livelihoods of 700 million vulnerable people by 2034 is now supported by this partnership with the United States Government. The partnership also demonstrates the commitment of developed nations to building the resilience of the global south. AIMING TO PROTECT THE LIVES AND LIVELIHOODS OF 700 MILLION VULNERABLE PEOPLE BY 2034 THE PRIORITY IS TO EXPAND OUR COVERAGE TO 19 STATES. Photo Credit: Clement Tardif