ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

45 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT FREQUENCY CHANNEL FOCUS AREAS ARC MEMBER STATES AND BENEFICIARIES Throughout the year ARC AGENCY Insurance product offerings and capacitybuilding services CLASS A & C MEMBERS Quarterly is the minimum or as needed ARC LTD. CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Business performance update and reporting BOARD Quarterly is the minimum or as needed ARC LTD. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Business performance update, reporting and strategic guidance FUNDING PARTNERS Quarterly is the minimum or as needed ARC LTD. MANAGEMENT Business performance update and reporting REINSURERS Throughout the year CHIEF UNDERWRITING OFFICER Reinsurance placements STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT We strive to enrich our stakeholder relationships through structured engagements, such as our member and donor retreats. Not only an opportunity to meet and reflect on the year, but these retreats are also an open dialogue that helps us glean insights into expectations, requirements and concerns of our members and donors. We hosted our third and largest retreat in Lomé, Togo in July this year. Stakeholder overview We have identified the following stakeholder categories as essential to helping us attain our strategic objectives while also positively impacting our organisational profile and competitiveness: OUR PR I OR I T I ES