ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

41 priority area for ARC Ltd. – and it serves the full spectrum of business, financial, government, union, education, and non-profit organisations. Milliman Inc. also seeks to diversify talent and change the landscape and demographics of the actuarial industry, and the initiative ties in with its social responsibility objectives. The company is focused on bringing more gender parity to the profession, and by being part of the programme, it helps to bridge the gap to access and educational resources. Its role in the partnership is to provide funding for the programme, while we leverage our relationships in Africa to make the programme a reality and we will oversee it going forward. The programme is also open to potential partners to join Milliman Inc. and scale up the initiative. The element of giving back CEO of ARC Ltd., Lesley Ndlovu, is the architect of the Africa Scholarship Programme, as he was once given a helping hand. He was a beneficiary of an Oxford University scholarship, which provided the foundation for his career. Ndlovu remains passionate about scholarships that provide opportunities to students that they would otherwise not have had. Working with Milliman Inc. to set up a scholarship programme is a way for ARC Ltd. to contribute to expanding access to opportunities for the next generation. Ambitious candidates who want to drive change are the target of the programme; tomorrow’s leaders seeking to work on something bigger than themselves and who grasp that Africa’s battle against climate change impacts requires collaboration. They will join a unique programme and be given the opportunity to work in a dynamic and leading field while giving back to Africa. Internship opportunities To see these graduates succeed, ARC Ltd. and Milliman Inc. will also be providing internships to give them a strong foundation in their chosen careers and an immersion in the challenges of risk management. At ARC Ltd., we offer an excellent career launchpad and have a dynamic culture based on meritocracy – if an individual is willing to put in the work, the opportunities to advance their careers at ARC Ltd. are many. To make a meaningful impact, ARC Ltd. and Milliman Inc. realised the scholarship programme cannot be a once-off. Once the selected graduates start their studies at the beginning of 2024, the next batch of candidates will be sought. For us, the scholarship programme remains a central focus and complements our initiatives for social impact. We believe visionary investments in human capital such as this will go a long way in setting an example in Africa and incubating much-needed expertise and leadership. AIM: INCREASE THE NUMBER OF ACTUARIES, DATA SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS IN THE INSURANCE FIELD ACROSS AFRICA H I GHL I GHTS : NURTUR I NG AFR I CAN TAL ENT AND EDUCAT I ON