ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

34 • Capacity-building support • Payout of claims • Financial reserves management • Stakeholder engagement communications • Growing Replica partners • Risk management • Parametric risk modelling and monitoring • Business planning • Enterprise risk management • Underwriting • Accounting • Research • Risk profile development • Premium growth, expanding client base to include sub-sovereigns, non-governmental organisations • Managing climate risk • Strategic planning • Implementation of strategy • Building partnership • Fiduciary compliance • Capital optimisation and presentation ARC LTD. ACTIVITIES RESULTS $46.8 MILLION $4.1 MILLION $18.7 MILLION 26 MILLION 65% LOSS RATIO A- FITCH RATING TOP ESG SCORE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT in gross earned premiums investment income people insured security of tenure, opportunities for growth (staff) paid out in claims Payouts made within 10 working days PREMIUM FINANCING PRIORITY ONE OUR BUS I NESS MODE L