ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

31 Parametric insurance enables rapid post-disaster liquidity, which is crucial as climate change drives more frequent, severe events disproportionately affecting vulnerable groups. Broadening our market and product reach is critical. Growth hinges on expanding our non-sovereign business, pioneering products in Africa and adhering to sound underwriting principles. Concurrently, forging partnerships with global reinsurers and multilateral financial institutions will prove pivotal in unlocking more opportunities. The role of technology The digital revolution has strengthened our risk analysis capabilities exponentially through platforms like the satellite weather surveillance system, Africa RiskView, which helps us to create accurate member risk profiles, determine the magnitude of the parameters and confidently underwrite new risk. Payouts are made within 10 working days following a disaster, due to this datadriven transparency and scalability. OUR STRATEGIC VALUE CREATION APPROACH Delivering strategic objectives Premium Financing Micro/Meso Insurance Flood and Contingency Fund PRIORITY TWO PRIORITY THREE Nearly $100 million in premium financing commitment from partners for expansion of ARC insurance programmes Continued expansion of insurance programmes to protect micro/meso farming communities Implementation of a contingency fund that could trigger payouts equal to contributions to the fund, for events below the attachment point of insurance policies. PRIORITY ONE OUR STRATEGY