ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

30 ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE OUR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES & PRIORITIES AGENCY LEAD, LIMITED SUPPORT LIMITED LEAD, AGENCY SUPPORT PREMIUM FINANCING MICRO/MESO INSURANCE FLOOD, OUTBREAKS AND EPIDEMICS AND CONTINGENCY FUNDS • Increase sovereign buy-in • Increase Replica buy-in • Expand to new countries and Replica • National Insurance Schemes (NAIS) • Scaling up of safety net programmes • Sub-national micro/meso direct insurance • Supranational policies • Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) • Development of new products (pastoral drought, tropical cyclone, flood, O&E) • Aggregators • Co-reinsurance • Retrocession • Consulting from DRM and DRF, value chain optimisation, other insurance applications MARKET PENETRATION (EXISTING) MARKET DEVELOPMENT (NEW) PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT (NEW) DIVERSIFICATION (NEW) STRENGTHEN GROW INNOVATE INNOVATE OUR STRATEGY