ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

25 We shared our vision for the risk pools to proactively scale up insurance coverage to protect the most climatevulnerable communities and took the opportunity to launch our insurance partnership with One Acre Fund at COP28, aimed at providing agricultural insurance to 5 million smallholder farmers in Africa. COP28 was our last event of 2023, and we therefore ended on a high note. ARC Ltd.’s visibility on the global stage is growing, with invitations to share our insights flooding in. Through these engagements, we continue to champion the cause of climate resilience while our expanding influence helps us to catalyse action. ARC LTD . ’ S ADVOCACY I N AFR I CA AND BEYOND TAKING PART IN THE NDSI PANEL DISCUSSION AT COP 28: Managing Director NamibRe Patty Karuaihe-Martin, Abdoulie Janneh, Chairman ARC Ltd. Board, Phillip Lopokoiyit, Chair NDSI and CEO of ICEA Lion, Jacinda Njike, Africa Finance Lead, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, Lesley Ndlovu, CEO ARC Ltd.