ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

23 ARC LTD . ’ S ADVOCACY I N AFR I CA AND BEYOND Head of Strategy and Partnerships Lorraine Njue, FIA, moderated a side event at the Africa Climate Summit, hosted by Young Insurance Professionals Africa, Mozambique Women for Inclusive Insurance, and Women Leadership in Insurance Africa. It was themed “Insurance Industry Role in the Integration of Nature-Based Solutions for Prevention in Disaster Risk Reduction”. The 45th OESAI Annual Conference in Mauritius was a highlight, themed “Leaving no one behind: Financial inclusion through innovation”. Chief Executive Officer Lesley Ndlovu participated in a panel discussion on the topic “Sustainability in Insurance/Future in Insurance” and presented on “Gearing up for the SDGs”. Head of Strategy and Partnerships Lorraine Njue moderated the panel. The International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF) Sustainability Summit examined industry challenges and solutions. Among the major themes were sustainable investments, resilience, and underwriting. ARC Ltd.’s Chief Underwriting Officer Malvern Chirume took part in a panel discussion on embedding resilience and indirect mechanisms into insurance strategies. The World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Meetings were hosted on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly, aiming to accelerate momentum for the UN SDGs. Chief Operating Officer Ange Chitate chaired the session “Shared Prosperity: The Next Frontier for Business Impact”. GENDER EQUALITY INSURANCE EVENTS The Centre for Disaster Protection also held a private roundtable with experts in insurance, anticipatory action, and government where Chief Executive Officer Lesley Ndlovu participated on a panel exploring scalable DRF mechanisms for outbreaks, an opportunity to highlight our O&E product. Head of Business Development David Maslo andHead of Strategy and Partnerships Lorraine Njue participated in 11th Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action in Berlin, themed: “People at the centre: scaling up anticipatory action”. David presented on the anticipatory drought insurance pilot programme for Malawi and Zambia, in partnership with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. Lorraine joined a panel discussing the financing of smart premiums. She also took part in the Namibia Women in Finance and Insurance Summit in Windhoek, an important platform for championing and empowering women in leadership roles in the financial and insurance sectors. This year’s theme was: “Sustainable Finance and Responsible Insurance: Women Pioneering Environmental, Social, and Governance Practices.”