ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

20 The Sendai Framework guides the adoption of measures to address climate risk and build resilience, while emphasising the need for preparedness. By integrating disaster risk management and reduction into the national programmes of our member states, we help strengthen country capacity to withstand climate shocks. RESILIENCE-FOCUSED RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION The ARC Group, as a critical, specialised AU agency, is aligned with major international disaster risk management (DRM) frameworks. • AU Agenda 2063 • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • Paris Agreement on climate change • Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 THESE FRAMEWORKS INCLUDE: SDGs - ENABLING PROGRESS SDG 01 NO POVERTY In 2023, ARC Ltd. helped improve risk management strategies in member states by supplying parametric insurance to 26.4 million individuals, allowing for governments to disburse cash assistance. SDG 02 & 03 ZERO HUNGER & GOOD HEALTH AND WELLBEING Member states have been assisted with extending cash transfers to citizens and been able to maintain their critical grain reserves and to ensure food security. SDG 13 CLIMATE ACTION ARC proactively approaches natural disasters by funding preapproved contingency plans, ensuring swift and predictable responses during climate emergencies. These initiatives also create more resilient communities and reduce poverty, aligning with SDG #1 by enhancing risk-coping strategies. SDG 17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS We’ve showcased the economic advantages of our support for the SDGs and the value provided to countries participating in the risk pool in case studies. 01 02 03 13 17 RES I L I ENCE - FOCUSED RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCT I ON