ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO F I NANC I AL STATEMENTS 7. MARKETABLE INVESTMENTS Figures in USD Figures in USD COST AMORTIZATION UNREALIZED GAIN UNREALIZED LOSS FAIR VALUE DECEMBER 31, 2023 Asset-backed bonds 2,422,214 17,144 296 (22,354) 2,417,300 Commercial mortgage bonds 2,001,660 (12,149) 2,541 (102,639) 1,889,413 Corporate bonds 18,740,314 (99,265) 156,068 (362,107) 18,435,010 Equities 400,000 – 9,740 (747) 408,993 Mutual funds 8,767,926 – 717,349 – 9,485,275 Government bonds 24,619,095 (45,836) 50,907 (115,091) 24,509,075 56,951,209 (140,106) 936,901 (602,938) 57,145,066 DECEMBER 31, 2022 Asset-backed bonds 5,115,191 (140,131) 19,658 (293,791) 4,700,927 Commercial mortgage bonds 3,960,202 33,098 51,439 (243,463) 3,801,276 Corporate bonds 17,278,827 (91,564) 223,250 (1,435,616) 15,974,897 Equities 200,000 – – (6,053) 193,947 Mutual funds 4,494,235 – – (795,332) 3,698,903 Government bonds 2,229,730 (75,255) 7,330 (206,706) 1,955,099 33,278,185 (273,852) 301,677 (2,980,961) 30,325,049 The fair value of debt securities by contractual maturity is shown below: Figures in USD 31 DEC 2023 31 DEC 2022 Due within 1 year 20,308,697 3,110,977 Due within 1 to 5 years 21,723,601 12,860,264 Due over 5 years 5,218,500 10,460,958 Net book value 47,250,798 26,432,199 Credit ratings for bonds held by the Company as at December 31, 2023 range from AAA to BB- (2022: AAA to CCC+) as set out by Standard & Poor’s. 106