ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO F I NANC I AL STATEMENTS 5.1.1. Reporting selection (continued) Liability for incurred claims Provision for claim payouts to policyholders is made in accordance with the Company’s reserving policy. The reserving policy states that the risk year covered for each policy is the underlying growing seasons, identified within each policy. Within each growing season, the only variable data impacting on whether a claim payout is required, and the level of that payout is the rainfall data, which is maintained within the risk modelling calculation engine ARV used by the Company. The rainfall data is recorded into ARV on a dekadal (a dekad being a year of days 1-10, 11-20 and 21- monthend for each month of a year, a year thus comprising 36 dekads) basis, using data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) of the US Government. A range of possible outcomes are generated within ARV after each new dekad rainfall amount is added as the growing season progresses. The insurance policies provide the remedy of using a mutually agreed alternative data set to determine claim payouts in the case of NOAA data failure or if the NOAA data has been deemed unfit. The average of the final response cost value distribution is used as the estimated claim payout, calculated at the end of the third and final dekad for each calendar month. The accuracy of the respective estimated claim payouts is only reasonably ascertained after the ‘planting window’ for a given growing season has closed. The planting window is the year, within each of the respective growing seasons, that farmers sow their crops. It is a critical year of time that has a significant impact on the harvest at the end of each growing season. For those policyholders that have reached the end of the planting window by the year end, reserves will be calculated as above and there is the possibility of identifying a guaranteed minimum claim liability at that time. However, initially, estimation and recording of the claims liabilities is calculated on a monthly basis using the expected loss ratios on the contracts. The directors and management believe that the claims liability amount thus calculated and recorded is adequate. The liability for incurred claims is considered to be a critical accounting estimate, given that there is judgment involved in the reserving policy established and utilised by the Company. This judgment is based on the expertise and experience of management and with consideration of the specific data available and data parameters utilised by the risk modelling calculation engine ARV. 5.1.2. Risk adjustment for non-financial risk The risk adjustment for non-financial risk is the compensation that the Company requires for bearing the uncertainty about the amount and timing of the cash flows of groups of insurance contracts. The risk adjustment reflects an amount that an insurer would rationally pay to remove the uncertainty that future cash flows will exceed the expected value amount. The Company has estimated the risk adjustment using a confidence level (probability of sufficiency) approach at the 75th percentile. That is, the Company has assessed its indifference to uncertainty for all product lines (as an indication of the compensation that it requires for bearing non-financial risk) as being equivalent to the 75th percentile confidence level less the mean of an estimated probability distribution of the future cash flows. The Company has estimated the probability distribution of the future cash flows, and the additional amount above the expected present value of future cash flows required to meet the target percentiles. 5.2. Fair value The fair value of financial instruments held by the Company approximates carrying value due to its liquid and short- term nature. The fair value of financial instruments that are actively traded in organised financial markets is determined by reference to quoted market bid prices for assets and offer prices for liabilities, at the close of business on the Statement of Financial Position date. If quoted market prices are not available, reference is also made to broker or dealer quotations. 104