ARC Ltd Integrated Annual Report 2023

NOTES TO F I NANC I AL STATEMENTS Insurance contracts – modification and derecognition The Company derecognises insurance contracts when: • The rights and obligations relating to the contract are extinguished (i.e., discharged, cancelled or expired), or • The contract is modified such that the modification results in a change in the measurement model or the applicable standard for measuring a component of the contract, substantially changes the contract boundary, or requires the modified contract to be included in a different group. In such cases, the Company derecognises the initial contract and recognises the modified contract as a new contract. When a modification is not treated as a derecognition, the Company recognises amounts paid or received for the modification with the contract as an adjustment to the relevant liability for remaining coverage. 4.2.6. Presentation The Company has presented separately, in the statement of financial position, the carrying amount of portfolios of insurance contracts issued that are assets, portfolios of insurance contracts issued that are liabilities, portfolios of reinsurance contracts held that are assets and portfolios of reinsurance contracts held that are liabilities. The Company disaggregates the total amount recognised in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income into an insurance service result, comprising insurance revenue and insurance service expense, and insurance finance income or expenses. The Company does not disaggregate the change in risk adjustment for non-financial risk between a financial and non- financial portion and includes the entire change as part of the insurance service result. The Company separately presents income or expenses from reinsurance contracts held from the expenses or income from insurance contracts issued. Insurance revenue The insurance revenue for the period is the amount of expected premium receipts (excluding any investment component) allocated to the period. The Company records premiums at the policy inception date, on an accrual basis and earns premium income over the term of the risk period on a pro-rate basis. The risk period for each respective policyholder is the defined growing season in that particular country, noting that one country may have and be covered by more than one growing season, in which case separate policies are issued and premiums collected for each growing season. Loss components The Company assumes that no contracts are onerous at initial recognition unless facts and circumstances indicate otherwise. Where this is not the case, and if at any time during the coverage period, the facts and circumstances mentioned in Note 4.2.2 indicate that a group of insurance contracts are onerous, the Company establishes a loss component as the excess of the fulfilment cash flows that relate to the remaining coverage of the group over the carrying amount of the liability for remaining coverage of the group as determined in Note Accordingly, by the end of the coverage period of the group of contracts the loss component will be zero. Fulfilment cash flows are the explicit, unbiased and probability-weighted estimate (i.e., expected value) of the present value of the future cash outflows minus the present value of the future cash inflows that will arise as the entity fulfils insurance contracts, including a risk adjustment for non-financial risk. Loss-recovery components As described in Note above, where the Company recognises a loss on initial recognition of an onerous group of underlying insurance contracts, or when further onerous underlying insurance contracts are added to a group, the Company establishes a loss-recovery component of the asset for remaining coverage for a group of reinsurance contracts held depicting the expected recovery of the losses. 101